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Email Account Set-Up

PC Configuration Solution

Email Account Set-Up


Help With Setting Up Email And Troubleshooting Email Issues

 Email has become an indispensable communication medium in modern life as more services move online, so we should use email for better communication. We can come directly to your home and set up your existing email account with all its features for maximum efficiency. Additionally, we can assist with setting up new email accounts on computers as well as helping explain all their features and functions.

Managing Email Accounts

 New and old mailboxes can be instantly distributed and configured using a single application, allowing for one-screen or multi-device email access. To find out what choices you might have, please get in touch with us.

Multiple Email Account Configuration

 If multiple email accounts are needed under one roof, we offer email setup with various service providers such as Work, Gmail, Microsoft Exchange etc.

Archiving Old Emails

 Most of us lack the time or energy to archive or backup older emails, leaving them sitting in their folders until something comes along to force us out of doing it ourselves. Our technicians specialize in setting up backup and archive systems.

Email Account Optimization

 Optimization and folder structures are important. We are able to configure your email account in a way that will simplify your email usage. Emails have phenomenal potential which can help you with repetitive daily tasks that can be performed effortlessly.

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